Cabinet will Spend Additional EUR1.5M in Kysuce Region

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BRATISLAVA, December 5, (WEBNOVINY) — At its ‘away from home’ session in Krasno nad Kysucou on Wednesday, the Cabinet of Robert Fico approved a financial stimuli of EUR 1.153 million for the Kysuce region. Some EUR 700,000 will be used to provide thermal insulation to the hospital in Cadca while further over EUR 450,000 will be divided into amounts that will finance the reconstruction of Kysuce schools, sewage systems in central Kysuce and the renovation of the football stadium in Krasno nad Kysucou.

High on the Cabinet’s agenda was the construction of the D3 highway that is to interconnect Zilina and Kysuce with the Polish and Czech border areas. Prime Minister Robert Fico underscored that the D3 highway is an absolute priority for the region in the triangle of industrial centers Zilina – Ostrava – Katowice, where eight million people live. The prime minister therefore tasked Transport Minister Jan Pociatek to accelerate the D3 construction project. Minister Pociatek informed that the exact schedule of the Kysuce highway construction should be known already at the next year’s start while the first stretch to be built is that between Svrcinovec and Skalite. Mayor of Krasno nad Kysucou Jozef Grapa said that after businesses learned that the Cabinet sits in the town, foremost developer companies started contacting them. They are ready to land their investment in Krasno already next year on condition that the D3 highway gets government support.


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Viac k osobe Ján PočiatekJozef GrapaRobert Fico