Sulik Shows SaS is Not Alone in Opposing the Bailout Fund

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BRATISLAVA, October 5, (WEBNOVINY) — The neoliberal member of the ruling coalition in Slovakia, the SaS party led by Richard Sulik wants to dispel the perception that the party is the only opponent to the extension of the bailout fund in Europe when “everyone is trying to persuade us that our party is the exclusive opponent to this endeavor.” This is precisely why Sulik has invited FDP deputy of the German Bundestag Frank Schaeffler to Slovakia. FDP is SaS’s partner party in Europe and a member of German’s three-party ruling coalition. Sulik informed about this at a news conference with Frank Schaeffler after their consultations on Wednesday. Sulik went on to say that Schaeffler is rallying opposition against the bailout fund in Germany. He succeeded with his initiative that in line with party statutes, 68,000 FDP members will be deciding on Germany’s participation in the EU’s permanent bailout fund.

Schaeffler said that 80 percent of German people are opposed to the bailout fund and extension of this financial stability facility but 90 percent of MPs in the Bundestag claim that Europe needs help. The German MP wants to prevent his party to support the new stability mechanism. He underscored that Greece has promised a lot, failing to keep its promises. “Greeks have been spending more and had lower revenues than a year ago, which implies that a bailout has not met the purpose,” said the German deputy. He opines that eurozone’s bailout facilities to protect the banking system from the fallout of the Greek debt crisis will never be sufficient enough and additional sources will always be required. Slovakia has got in Europe’s spotlight, Schaeffler reminded. He pointed out to the different views of Brussels and European citizens. SaS refuses to back extension of the bailout fund. Without SaS support, the ruling coalition in Slovakia will not have enough votes for the bailout fund to sail though in parliament.


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Viac k osobe Richard Sulík