President Gasparovic Says New Ombudsman Must be Impartial

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BRATISLAVA, March 23, (WEBNOVINY) — President Ivan Gasparovic wishes that the new public rights defender, Jana Dubovcova, “is objective and able to evaluate all complaints by citizens”. The president further told the media at the end of Friday’s meeting with outgoing ombudsman Pavel Kandrac that the “future ombudsman will have to become the citizens’ defender and leave behind her partisan idea of resolving problems, as she is going there as a party member”, the president stressed.

The first ever defender of public rights in the Slovak Republic, Pavel Kandrac, on Friday evaluated with the president his two successive terms that allowed him to serve ten years on the post. President Ivan Gasparovic is glad that people know about the office’s existence. He believes that the new ombudsman will accept advice from her predecessor on what could be improved in the office. Pavel Kandrac opines that his successor should continue in what was begun. He thinks that the foundations are laid down very well. According to him, it would be useful to “expand the operation of rights defender to the so-called whole sick administration”, Kandrac said. At present, ombudsman may not deal with problems regarding housing or work, as his powers are limited to public administration bodies. Kandrac reminded that the ombudsman does not decide, but helps citizens how to proceed.

Pavol Kandrac (LS-HZDS nominee) served on the post for two consecutive five-year terms. His term in office expires on March 27.

Jana Dubovcova was elected to the post in December of last year and was nominated by deputies for the original ruling coalition partners SDKU-DS, MOST-HID and SaS. Dubovcova is not a member of any party, but was elected to parliament on SDKU-DS election slate.


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Viac k osobe Ivan GašparovičJana DubovcováPavel KandráčPavol Kandráč