Opposition is said to mislead with amendment to RES Act

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The Association of Industrial Ecology states that the amendment is non-ecological and against EU trends.

The amendment to the Act on Support of Renewable Energy Sources, which reduces subsidies for biomass burning, that is to be discussed by MPs in the second reading in September is environmentally unacceptable as it is against the EU trends, the Association of the Industrial Ecology opines. „The state would create a precedent against EU directions passing this amendment. The development of the renewable energy sources is one of the major instruments to bring the European Union to the fulfillment of three fundamental objectives of the energy policy – competitiveness, sustainability and secure energy supplies,“ Julius Jankovsky from the association informed the portal vEnergetike.sk.

Full story in SLovak: Opoziční poslanci vraj pri novele zákona o podpore OZE zavádzajú

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