PM: All people who commit corporate crimes will be arrested

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Premiér Peter Pellegrini SITA

Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini says that all shareholders who commit fraud will face a similar faith as the former top representative of Slovenske Elektrarne who was arrested at the Bratislava airport.

The arrest of former top manager of Slovenske Elektrarne on the suspicion of committing fraud in millions of euros is a memento for all shareholders, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said at Tuesday’s news conference. „I want to say that I really welcome this, and the arrest of such a high representative of Slovenske Elektrarne, or the Italian shareholder, could, in my opinion, be a good memento. Let those who manage Slovenske Elektrarne look at it well, and also those who represent the shareholder in Slovenske Elektrarne. I want to tell them that if they behave equally irresponsibly in connection with the completion of the nuclear power plant in Mochovce or are siphoning off Slovenske Elektrarne’s assets during its completion, then I will do my best so that they end up in the same way as that gentleman at Bratislava airport,” underscored the prime minister.

Full story in Slovak: Pellegrini: Skončia tak všetci, ktorí robia v podnikoch podvody

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