Slovenske Elektrarne is to burn new fuel in Vojany

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Elektráreň vo Vojanoch. Foto: Slovenské elektrárne

The power company Slovenske Elektrarne (SE) plans to continue operating the power plant Vojany in the future. However, the company does not plan to burn only coal to generate electricity in this coal-fired power plant. “Slovenske Elektrarne has been analyzing different scenarios and available possibilities to cut production costs with the aim to avoid the closure of this power plant and maintain employment,“ Miroslav Sarissky, a spokesman for Slovenske Elektrarne informed the portal In August and the second half of October, Slovenske Elektrarne carried out at the power plant in Vojany the tests of co-combustion of certified solid secondary fuel on the basis of selected petroleum products and biomass which has characteristics comparable with the black coal and which meets all environmental requirements of the valid Slovak legislation. It is much cheaper than black coal imported from Russia by train. Since April 2019, the power plant has been out of operation for almost half of time, without generating any electricity. “This has been caused by increasing prices of emission allowances and other factors on the electricity market which made electricity generated in Vojany too expensive and uncompetitive,” Sarissky explained.

Full story in Slovak: Slovenské elektrárne Vojany nevypnú, uhlie nahradí nové palivo

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Firmy a inštitúcie Elektráreň VojanySE Slovenské elektrárne