All Wiretapping is Legal, Says Minister Lipsic

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BANSKA BYSTRICA, March 17, (WEBNOVINY) – Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic says that statements the opposition SNS MP Igor Stefanov on bugging the politicians made this Thursday, are only games to distract the attention with gossip. Lipsic also said that this does not work on him. He emphasized that during his term as the Interior Minister, wiretapping is under permanent control and all of it is legal, with the court approval. When being asked, whether it is possible that also politicians are being wiretapped, Lipsic answered that he does not know and does not want to. Regarding MP Stefanov, Lipsic said that the police and the ministry will also go after big cases and after people, who might think themselves above the law. “My message is: the times have changed, may Mr. Stefanov and similar people get used to it. The police have their hands untied,” Lipsic told journalists on Thursday.

Former Minister of Construction and Regional Development and incumbent SNS MP Igor Stefanov has accused Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic that 40 MPs from both the opposition and coalition and several journalists have been wiretapped with his consent. “Lipsic is trying to concentrate the power in his hands. He exercises pressure upon everyone, who does not agree with him,” stated Stefanov at a press conference. Last week, Lipsic informed that the prosecution would ask the parliament to vote on stripping his immunity in order to enable charging him in the bulletin-board tender case.


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Viac k osobe Daniel LipšicIgor Štefanov