Alleged Cannibal Injured by Police Bullets Dies in Hospital

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BRATISLAVA, May 12, (WEBNOVINY) — The supposed cannibal Matej Curka, who was seriously injured in a shoot-out with a SWAT team as they tried to arrest him close to Kysak near Kosice on Tuesday has died in Kosice hospital. Police bullets hit his lungs and liver and he probably died of multiple organ failure, informed portal.

The man was shot by police in the village of Sokol during an operation of the police SWAT team. When they attempted to arrest him, the suspect drew a gun and was shot. Already injured, he returned fire, seriously wounding one of the officers. Both injured were transported to Kosice hospital. According to the latest reports, the condition of the policeman is stabilized.

Slovak police received information about the planned crime in advance. A man from Switzerland allegedly wanted to die and agreed to be killed and eaten by a cannibal. He responded to an advert on the Internet. The man agreed to meet the suspect in Kysak. However, the Slovak police, after it learned of the plan swapped the Swiss man, who had changed his mind, with a police agent. Following the bungled police operation, Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic canceled his Tuesday program and flew to eastern Slovakia together with Police Corps President Jaroslav Spisiak. He praised the wounded officer for risking his own life to protect the police agent. As he further informed, it is impossible to interrogate the suspect as both he and the police officer are seriously injured.


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Viac k osobe Daniel LipšicJaroslav Spišiak