Cabinet Votes to Dismiss Head of Privatization Agency

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BRATISLAVA, January 11, (WEBNOVINY) — The Cabinet dismissed Anna Bubenikova as head of the National Property Fund (FNM), confirmed ministers Jozef Mihal (SaS) and Zsolt Simon (MOST-HID) after Wednesday’s Cabinet session.

Economy Minister Juraj Miskov (SaS) demanded Bubenikova’s head over serious suspicions based on information contained in the alleged secret service file code-named Gorila, according to which she secured distribution of millions in kickbacks for privatization for the party that nominated her to office, SDKU-DS. Bubenikova herself says that alleged leaked document of the intelligence service known as Gorila is nonsense. Miskov held the view that drawing political responsibility is necessary. According to Simon, MOST-HID ministers decided to vote in favor of removing Bubenikova as more new information to on what is mentioned in Gorila documents keep surfacing. Yet, he stated this was a purely political decision.

Miskov said ten Cabinet members including Prime Minister Iveta Radicova voted for removing Bubenikova. According to Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic, an individual may not stay in his or her office if it is of such importance when the allegations are so severe. In spite of Bubenikova’s dismissal, none of the asked ministers wanted to discuss whether the Gorila files are authentic or not. They agreed that the dismissal was merely a move to draw political responsibility as the Cabinet does not possess investigative powers.

SDKU-DS Chairman and Foreign Affairs Minister Mikulas Dzurinda considers Bubenikova’s removal as part of the election campaign. Today, their partners were cleaning up SDKU-DS; Dzurinda expects them to start cleaning up their own ranks on Thursday. According to him, this specifically concerns at the interior minister and one of his closest colleagues.


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Viac k osobe Anna BubeníkováDaniel LipšicIveta RadičováJozef MihálJuraj MiškovMikuláš DzurindaZsolt Simon