KDH Lacks Personalities to become Right Leader, Analyst Says

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BRATISLAVA, February 16, (WEBNOVINY) – Political analyst Miroslav Kusy says that the Christian-Democrats (KDH) still, 22 years after it was established, does not have the potential to become the leader among right-wing parties. As Kusy told SITA, preferences are simply not enough to become a leader, it needs also leading personalities . “KDH does not have personalities who would be leaders of the whole right. Even Daniel Lipsic is too closely connected to limiting Catholic principles,” said Kusy, adding that Lipsic was schooled by KDH established Jan Carnogursky. This Friday KDH will celebrate 22 years from its foundation congress which took place in Nitra on February 17, 1990 after a November 1989 call for establishing Christian clubs.

Kusy evaluates KDH as the most stable political party in Slovakia. “The party went through a significant transformation from Carnogursky’s original ideal of a party of the Catholics to a modern Christian democratic concept which KDH sometimes discussed even though it was never really reached,” says Kusy. He, on the other hand, does not consider KDH a very reliable party from the view of keeping agreements, claiming that a moment of calculation always occurs in KDH. The second Mikulas Dzurinda Cabinet was toppled in this way, he remarked.

KDH and SDKU-DS should, according to Kusy, arrange some form of cooperation, such as is between German CDU and CSU. “However, this would need a qualitative change in both parties,” he enclosed, adding that this would mean new politicians and new ideals in both KDH and SDKU-DS.


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Viac k osobe Daniel LipšicJán ČarnogurskýMikuláš DzurindaMiroslav Kusý