Minister Admits Potential Changes in Contract Agent Levies

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BRATISLAVA, June 6, (WEBNOVINY) — The Finance Ministry is willing to talk about some remarks on the tax and payroll levies reform blueprint, for instance, related to the social and health insurance levies paid by contract agents. “For instance, [the suggestion] that the deductible premium item applies to all contract agents and not exclusively to those that do not have additional income,” the minister specified. Miklos said that the parliament will also debate potential modifications of the prepared reform.

At the tripartite meeting on Monday, representatives of employers proposed 1-percentage point reduction of overall levy burden shouldered by employees as of next year. Vice-President of the Federation of Employers‘ Associations of the Slovak Republic (AZZZ), Rastislav Machunka, noted that the subsequent shortfall in money should not go at the cost of the general government deficit but the Cabinet should save more. As the minister retorted, talks about the budget will decide whether the Cabinet accepts this concept since the shortfall caused by earlier levy reduction is estimated at some EUR 190 million. He himself is rather skeptical.

Trade unionists rejected the reform outline but Miklos argues that most of their objections ensue from ignorance of the topic. “Most standpoints by trade unions were determined by ignorance of the matter or misinterpretation of the material,” Miklos complained. Vice-President of the Trade Unions Confederation (KOZ), Vladimir Mojs, assured in response that trade unions perfectly comprehend the Cabinet’s plans, and slammed the reform as deficient. “The Cabinet deepens the existing deficit of the social insurance agency Socialna Poistovna, health insurance companies and intends to foster state coffers through this reform,” he announced. Trade unions urge further expert talks about their remarks and will decide on further steps pursuant to the outcome of negotiations with the Finance Ministry.

The Iveta Radicova team gave their blessing to the reform blueprint on May 18.


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Viac k osobe Iveta RadičováRastislav MachunkaVladimír Mojš