Ministers of Economy and Interior Debate Gorila Case

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BRATISLAVA, January 14 (WEBNOVINY) — The Gorila case is the most terrifying thing Slovakia has experienced since the rule of Vladimir Meciar primarily because it reveals the decision making on some important matters and because of the attitude of some leading politicians, Economy Minister Juraj Miskov (SaS) said on air of the RTVS in the program Saturday Dialogues. Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic (KDH), who debated the current events with Miskov, highlighted that the investigation would be resolute. He pointed out that “until recently it was not possible to imagine that members of big Mafia group would be detained. Now, they are in custody. And I guarantee that we will proceed in the same way against criminal groups that have economic and political connections.” They may be more dangerous and sophisticated and have more money but everything will be done so that the investigation team covered by special prosecution office could proceed without being exposed to any influences and pressure.

The secret intelligence service, the SIS, will, in compliance with the law, provide the maximum cooperation possible. Solutions will be sought to prove the authenticity of the document. The police in Austria, Germany and Italy may be asked for assistance depending on the progress of the investigation and whether it will reveal corruption of foreign companies. Foreign transactions will likely have to be checked. Lipsic was not willing to say more about the strategy as it could thwart the investigation.

Former head of the Office to Fight Corruption, Jozef Satek, claims that the Gorila file exactly and genuinely reflects the corruption among the Slovak political and economic elite. He is of the opinion that neither the police nor the prosecuting authority is independent enough. This is also proven by the fact that the case has not been probed into properly until now and the investigation has been repeatedly thwarted since 2006.


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Viac k osobe Daniel LipšicJuraj MiškovVladimír Mečiar