Minister's Trust Not Harmed by Police President's Speeding

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BRATISLAVA, July 20, (WEBNOVINY) — Even after exceeding the speed limit by 33 kilometers per hour, Police President Jaroslav Spisiak still has the trust of Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic. “He will be sanctioned in the same way as any other citizen. Can you imagine that a year or two ago, a member of the police would have documented an offense of the police president? It is important that no one would stand above the law. He will bear responsibility as would any other driver,” told Lipsic the media at a press conference convened to evaluate his one year in office, adding that almost everyone has already committed a traffic offense, but it is important how he’ll face it. Lipsic emphasized that he also committed a traffic offense in 2006 and even though being an MP with immunity, he did paid a fine on the spot.

Lipsic also said that some public officials try making excuses when caught committing an offense, claiming they were in a hurry or that they were being followed. Then, there is another type of public officials who admit their offense and are prepared to bear responsibility. According to the minister, Spisiak will be punished by a disciplinary measure ordering him to pay a fine. Lipsic, as Spisiak’s boss, will be the one to decide upon the fine. The minister also announced that Spisiak will not receive bonuses for the last six months, although he would deserve it for his work. At this Wednesday’s press conference, Lipsic informed that Spisiak will nor be eligible to receive a bonus due to the disciplinary action for his speeding.

Spisiak said that behaving according to traffic rules is important for providing traffic safety. “I’m sorry for this. I am trying to observe the rules. I’m not arranging any favors for me. I exceeded the speed [limit] by 33 kilometers per hour,” Spisiak said. He also added that he had no real reason for speeding when caught by the police this Tuesday. The police president considers his speeding to be the most important failure since he entered office a year ago. Spisiak claims to be glad that the public was informed on his speeding as he will now be punished publicly. The officers who caught him would be commended for their service.


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Viac k osobe Daniel LipšicJaroslav Spišiak