NGOs Unhappy with Unfulfilled Promises

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BRATISLAVA, October 18, (WEBNOVINY) — Non-governmental organizations feel uneasy about the first hundred days of the new government, contrasting with their high hopes after Iveta Radicova’s government took up, stated the press agency of the non-profit sector on Monday. The report signed by Pavol Demes further reads that “the start of Radicova’s government aroused unprecedented optimism in the community of non-governmental organizations. Many of us had expected that the new Cabinet and Parliament would make systemic changes and we would live to see an open and amicable communication, which would help our country and citizens in difficult times.“ However, nothing substantial has taken place yet, suggests the report.

Non-governmental organizations stated that their expectations resulted from the government’s program statement as well as the fact that many members of the government had worked in the third sector. The organizations also point out Radicova’s statement after she assumed her office that she wanted to create a post of a plenipotentiary for the civic society and her offer to representatives of the third sector to participate in creation of the new post. “Several months have passed and nothing substantial has happened yet. The post of a plenipotentiary has not been established and the Cabinet Office has not provided any information on the date and possible candidates for the post of government’s plenipotentiary for civic society yet,” reads the report.

There are several ways of cooperation between non-governmental organizations and relevant ministries and if there is good will, this mechanism may improve cooperation, legislation and financing of organizations of the civic society, claim non-governmental organizations. They underscore that there are many talented people in the third sector willing to help, protect and develop communities and the country and cooperate with other countries as well as control and hold up the mirror to elected representatives. There is still enough space to increase the quality of cooperation, reads the press release.


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Viac k osobe Pavol Demeš