PM did not Debate on Slovak Radio, She did not Like Topics

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BRATISLAVA, May 14, (WEBNOVINY)- Prime Minister Iveta Radicova has rejected an invitation to the regular ‚Saturday Dialogue‘ program on the public-service Slovak Radio. She was to be the guest of the program this Saturday but she did not agree with the topics suggested by the anchor. Brano Dobsinsky wanted to speak with the prime minister on political consequences of the Tax Directorate case, the Tuesday’s election of the new prosecutor general in parliament, the Finance Minister’ proposal of tax hikes and the situation in the health sector.

“The prime minister has turned down the topics explaining that taxes and healthcare are not the topics for the prime minister but they should be discussed by respective ministers. Regarding the situation around the prosecutor general election she thinks that she has already told everything regarding this issue respectively she has been talking [about it] for half a year and nothing has changed with her attitude,” said Dobsinsky in the Saturday’s broadcast. Instead of Radicova he hosted Culture Minister Daniel Krajcer (SaS) and his predecessor, SMER-SD’s MP Marek Madaric today.


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Viac k osobe Daniel KrajcerIveta RadičováMarek Maďarič