PM Fico Should Debate Sale of 49% SPP Stake in Germany

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BRATISLAVA, July 2, (WEBNOVINY)- Slovak PM Robert Fico is briefly visiting Germany on Tuesday. At his working trip to Berlin he is scheduled to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The agenda of the talks should also selling a 49-percent stake in the gas utility SPP. Foreign shareholders of SPP, the German company E.ON Ruhrgas and the French firm GdF Suez plan to sell their SPP shares.

„The prime minister plans to open the topic of the announced sale of a 49-percent stake in SPP that is currently in the hands French and German owners,“ has informed the Slovak Cabinet Office. Foreign stakeholders have already confessed they are negotiating the sale of their minority stake in SPP that they control via the company Slovak Gas Holding B.V. with the Czech energy company Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding (EPH). Two shareholders of the Czech energy group EPH Daniel Kretinsky and Petr Kellner have already confirmed the negotiations and their interest in acquiring the minority stake.


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Viac k osobe Daniel KřetinskýRobert Fico