Police Ask for SNS MP Stefanov’s Immunity to be Waived

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BRATISLAVA, March 9, (WEBNOVINY) – The investigator has asked the prosecution to ask Parliament to waive the immunity of opposition SNS deputy Igor Stefanov. Former Minister of Construction and Regional Development Stefanov is one of five accused in the case of the so-called bulletin-board tender, against whom the investigator brought charges this Tuesday. Stefanov is the first parliamentary deputy whose immunity law enforcement organs have asked to be waived this electoral term.

Stefanov became minister after Marian Janusek, whom the SNS was forced to withdraw under pressure from Prime Minister Robert Fico due to the bulletin-board tender case. Later, Fico withdrew Stefanov as well. At a press conference, incumbent Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic said that a certain Marian J. is also among the accused. His initials are the same as those of former Minister Janusek.

The bulletin board tender was won by a consortium of two SNS-friendly companies – Avocat and Zamedia. The contract included providing services, creating TV ads and developing logos, for which it overcharged. According to the Supreme Audit Office audit, the tender was not in accordance with the law. The European Commission also has reservations toward the tender and has initiated proceedings against Slovakia for violating the Treaty on EC.

SNS reacted by stating that Lipsic’s attempts to waive Stefanov’s immunity are not a surprise. They consider it proof of the fact that their criticism of the Ministry of Interior is justified. According to SNS spokeswoman Jana Benkova, the entire case just shows that the ministry is politicized and that Lipsic just wants to be in the media. They also see the Department of Interior deteriorating due to Lipsic’s and police president Spisiak’s obstructions and plan to continue criticizing the situation.


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Viac k osobe Daniel LipšicIgor ŠtefanovRobert Fico