Police Officers Achieve Best Results in Review

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BRATISLAVA, October 18, (WEBNOVINY) — Results of the first complex three-month evaluation of police officers according to the new system introduced by Police Corps President Jaroslav Spisiak were above all expectations. Two-thirds of the assessed police officers achieved more than satisfying results (66 percent) while only some 20 percent had unsatisfactory outcomes.

“Now we have results for three quarters of the year, which are revolutionary best since the rise of Slovakia,” Spisiak reported on Tuesday. This outcome is from the July-September period, i.e. for the first quarter when the assessment was computerized. Spisiak said he is ready to push for the introduction of the new evaluation system in line with the original plan. He believes that his system is so good and of so high quality and able to effectively motivate personality profiles of police officers that it is simply impossible to cancel it as it would not be a step but a hundred steps back. It was his answer to the question whether possible political changes after March early election would not end the new system. “I do not know who would want to abolish something that brought good results in police work that is historically best since the establishment of the Slovak Republic,” he argued.

The system is not set in a way to make it easy to punish officers and reduce their salaries. The system was introduced to educate police officers about their priorities and how to serve the citizens, explained Spisiak. The system does not bring instant purges and salary cuts but it is aimed at giving pay rise to the best police officers and not to those who do not know why they entered police ranks.


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Viac k osobe Jaroslav Spišiak