Police President Reports on Saturday Swamp on ATM Gang

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BRATISLAVA, March 7, (WEBNOVINY)- Alleged members of a gang specialized in thefts of automated teller machines whom the police detained on Saturday near Sered, western Slovakia have been charged with seven ATM thefts. The police hold them suspicious of committing together 30 ATM thefts. The police have detained three people directly during the swamp including the alleged gang boss Jan G. Police President Jaroslav Spisiak reported on Monday that the gang head wanted to escape through a window but police specialists stood also below it and caught him. ‚After his detention when he was assured that it was really a police action that man breathed a sign of relief,“ said Spisiak adding one should guess why. Along with the three detainees the investigator has already accused further two members of the gang who were on holiday that time.

The five accused might be sentenced may be sentenced to prison terms of ten to fifteen years for seven bank teller thefts of which they have been charged thus far. In these seven thefts, which took place in western Slovakia the charged persons have stolen almost EUR 345,000 and caused damage amounting to EUR 501,000. The police president said that no ex-policemen were members of the gang but they were in its wider circle. The gang organized thefts all over Slovakia, in the Czech Republic and Austria, reportedly using stolen cars.


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Viac k osobe Jaroslav Spišiak