Slovak Health Sector Lacks Strategy as Well as Money

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BRATISLAVA, February 28, (WEBNOVINY) — Most political parties that have a good chance to succeed in the upcoming elections mention optimization of sickbeds and introduction of supplemental health insurance in their election programs. Representatives of KDH, SNS, Ordinary People and Independent Personalities, SaS, SMER-SD and of SDKU-DS presented their plans of fixing the ailing health system at the “Strategy for Development of the Slovak Health Sector in 2012-2016” conference on Tuesday. The parties agree that the current state of the health sector is not good and requires a long-term strategy.

The majority of attendees would pump more finances from the budget to the system and restrict the profits of health insurers to a larger extent. Except for Richard Rasi (SMER-SD) all other panelists think that the state-operated hospitals cannot continue functioning as budget-subsidized organizations. Most of them stressed the need for state’s supervision over the transformation of hospitals into joint stock companies. Also, potential privatization has to be prevented.

The panelists admitted that another problem of the sector is money. According to Health Minister Ivan Uhliarik (KDH), the top priority is to settle existing debts and prevent generation of new ones. His predecessor Rasi warned that unless the coverage of increased wages of doctors and nurses is secured, the entire system will collapse.


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Viac k osobe Ivan UhliarikRichard Raši