Slovak MFA Dzurinda to Meet with his Counterparts in Poland

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BRATISLAVA, September 2, (WEBNOVINY) – Foreign Affairs Minister Mikulas Dzurinda left Friday for the Baltic resort city of Sopot, which is hosting an informal meeting of European foreign affairs ministers (Gymnich) on September 2-3. The attendees were invited by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski and EU High Representative Catherine Ashton.

The ministers will debate the relations of the EU with India, Brazil and South Africa, as the bloc’s strategic partners. Another point on the agenda is the Middle East peace process and the bid of the Palestinian National Authority for statehood, which will be presented at the United Nations. Great attention will be directed to the Eastern Partnership projects regarding preparation for a summit slated for late September and given developments in some partner countries. The ministers will also tackle the situation and the EU’s role in the transformation of Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, and its reaction to persisting violence in Syria.

On September 3, the EU foreign minister will be joined by the heads of diplomacy of the candidate countries Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Island and Turkey. Gymnich takes place once in six months under each EU presidency.


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Viac k osobe Mikuláš DzurindaRadoslaw Sikorski