Slovak Radio and Television Starts on January 1

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BRATISLAVA, January 1, (WEBNOVINY) — Miloslava Zemkova was appointed acting director of the new public institution of Slovak Radio and Television (RTS), which has originated as of Saturday, January 1, by a merger of the public Slovak Television (STV) and Slovak Radio (SRo). Zemkova served as Director General in SRo. She will remain director of RTS until the election of a new director general in the Slovak Parliament. She was appointed to office by the Speaker of Parliament Richard Sulik, his personal secretary and office director Tatiana Tothova confirmed for SITA news agency. According Sulik, Slovak Radio managed by Zemkova was definitely in a better situation than the Slovak Television managed by Stefan Niznansky.

Simultaneously with the establishment of RTS by the merger of STV and SRo, bodies of the two institutions cease to exist: their general directors, supervisory commissions, and the STV Council and the SRo Council. Culture Minister Daniel says that establishment of RTS is the first step of public media reform in Slovakia. Already in the first year, the merger will save 1.65 million euros of public funds.

Reform of the public media should take at least three years. It begins with the merger and it will culminate by abolishing the current model of financing and establishment of a new one.


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Viac k osobe Miloslava ZemkováRichard SulíkŠtefan Nižňanský