Survey Finds Culture Chief Most Proficient Minister

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BRATISLAVA, June 20, (WEBNOVINY) — According to a public opinion poll carried out by MVK agency, Culture Minister Daniel Krajcer (SaS) is the most capable minister in the Cabinet. The survey was carried out between June 3 and 9 on a representative sample of 1,101 respondents. On the occasion of the first year in government, the agency included a question regarding evaluation of the results of work of individual Cabinet members. The respondents graded the work of the prime minister and individual ministers on the scale: does very well, does all right, does poorly and fails.

Based on the survey results, Culture Minister Daniel Krajcer, closely followed by Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic have been doing best on their posts. The third post belongs to Prime Minister Iveta Radicova. Justice Minister Lucia Zitnanska occupies the fourth place. The least successful minister is Health Minister Ivan Uhliarik, as the survey shows.


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Viac k osobe Daniel KrajcerDaniel LipšicIvan UhliarikIveta RadičováLucia Žitňanská