Bugar, Budaj and Fico Have Highest Credit among Voters

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BRATISLAVA, February 9, (WEBNOVINY) – MOST-HID leader Bela Bugar, Chairman of the Change from Below party Jan Budaj and opposition SMER-SD leader Robert Fico are Slovakia’s most trusted politicians, a telephone survey by AKO pollster shows. Chairman of the non-parliamentary LS-HZDS Vladimir Meciar, party leader of the Free Word Party Nora Mojsejova and boss of the center-right SDKU-DS Mikulas Dzurinda are the least credible politicians. The agency surveyed 600 respondents between January 27 and 31.

Respondents were asked to imagine that not parties but individuals would be run for parliamentary mandates. They were to say who of the named politicians is trustworthy and likable in their eyes. Respondents evaluated eleven leaders of the most known political parties. They used a four-degree scale: (1) absolutely likable, (2) partially likable, (3) partly unlikable, and (4) absolutely unlikable. The pollster took into account only the answers of respondents decided to cast their ballot in the March elections.

Bela Bugar received positive reactions from 68 percent. Budaj has 60.2 percent, Fico 55 percent and Igor Matovic, leader of Ordinary People and Independent Personalities, 52 percent. Then again, 85 percent of respondents dislike Vladimir Meciar; more than 81 percent do not trust Nora Mojsejova and Dzurinda is not popular among nearly 78 percent. Bugar is not trustworthy for over 30 percent, Budaj for almost 40 percent and 45 percent of respondents do not trust the SMER-SD leader.


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Viac k osobe Béla BugárIgor MatovičJán BudajMikuláš DzurindaNora MojsejováRobert FicoVladimír Mečiar