Economy Minister talks about smooth power supplies

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VLÁDA: Rokovanie mimoriadnej 201. schôdze vlády SR
Minister hospodárstva SR Peter Žiga počas tlačovej konferencie po rokovaní mimoriadnej 201. schôdze vlády SR. Bratislava, 15. marec 2020. Foto: SITA/Branislav Bibel.

Economy Minister Peter Ziga informed at the press conference held on Tuesday after the talks with power companies that smooth power deliveries are secured in Slovakia even in these difficult times amid the coronavirus outbreak. “The energies are crucial for the economy as well as our households in their daily lives. I want to assure the industry and public that supplies of gas, electricity and fuels are secured at the moment. All companies are conducting intensive preparations for the possible crisis scenarios,“ Ziga said. Economy Minister Peter Ziga says that no cases of coronavirus were detected at power companies which operate strategic infrastructure.

Full story in Slovak: Energetici sú pripravení, dodávky energií by mali byť podľa ministra plynulé

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Viac k osobe Peter Žiga
Firmy a inštitúcie MH Ministerstvo hospodárstva SR